A doctor remembers when abortion was illegal – posted by SantaFeNewMexican.com on November 26, 2022

An all-male City Commission in Hobbs recently voted unanimously to ban abortion clinics from the city, according to the Associated Press (“Hobbs passes law blocking abortion clinics within city,” Nov. 9). Those city officials apparently would like Hobbs to become known as a “sanctuary city for the unborn.”

When I began medical school in Chicago, a state-of-the-art women’s hospital was about to open. It had been designed prior to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. An entire floor of a major hospital was dedicated to the care of sepsis in women. There were that many illegal, botched, abortions taking place.

No one likes abortion. Not the doctors performing the procedure, not the nurses assisting, nor the women asking to undergo the abortion. But women will get abortions even if it’s illegal.

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