Words Can’t Describe – posted July 11, 2021

A Letter to Editor – “Santa Fe New Mexican” – pub. July 10, 2021 

I’d like to suggest some neologisms (new words) for parents like the Olivers, who lost their son, Joaquin, in a school shooting. “Childreft” as in bereft of child. “Formrent” as in former parent. “Minorless” describing a household having no children. “Gunvictamily” as in gun victim’s family. Perhaps other wordsmiths might suggest their own neologisms. Write to The New Mexican with your descriptor for parents and families who have become victims of gun violence. Get your friends in other communities across the U.S. to do the same in local media. Only through action will this epidemic be curtailed.

Doctors For America is an organization of physicians and medical students that advocates for changes in policy for a number of issues affecting the health of our fellow citizens. Preventing gun violence is one of those issues.

DFA and many other organizations support background checks for firearm purchases. About 90 percent of voters and the majority of gun owners do as well. Let’s start with background checks and then move on to address red-flag laws, ghost guns, and assault rifles.

Dr. Bob Larsen, Santa Fe

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